About Us

Sara Zwolenik has been in the equine industry for over 25 years. She started out as a working student for Phillip Dutton when she was 18 and during her time there was able to ride at the advanced level, help manage his barn of 40+ horses and travel to the 2004 Olympics, Badminton, Land Rover 3 Day and many more as his groom. In 2008, Sara started her secretarial business to help equestrian professionals with their day to day office work such as entries, bookeeping, travel plans and really anything that helps a rider focus on their riding 100% and not have to worry about officework. Her clients are mainly high level equestrian Athletes with busy barns. Her experience gives her the unique view of the equestrian community as a whole from being able to interact with the riders, owners, grooms, show secretaries, and many others in the equestrian organizations such as the USEF, USEA, USDF and the USHJA.